Garrison Keillor
Here on an Autumn night is the sweet orchard smell,
Sitting in a pile of leaves under the starry sky,
Oh what stories we could tell
With this starlight to tell them by. |
October night, and you, and paradise,

So lovely and so full of grace,
Above your head, the universe has hung its lights,
And I reach out my hand to touch your face. |
I believe in impulse, in all that is green,
Believe in the foolish vision that comes true,
Believe that all that is essential is unseen,
And for this lifetime I believe in you. |
All of the lovers and the love they made:

Nothing that was between them was a mistake.
All that we did for love's sake,
Is not wasted and will never fade. |

Scarecrows, corn rows
Pumpkins on the vine
Leaves curl, wind swirls
Fall is right on time.


My cute lil sig tag was a gift
from Lisa @
Seasons of Country
Thank you Lisa!!
Falling Leaves Script
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