Each of my Mary bears holds a special place in my heart and are a reminder of different times in my life. Most were fun but some were difficult but meaningful. My new friends just arrived and love living here. Aren't they cute? Please do not take my friends because I'd be lost without them. Instead click on the specially designed birth certificate to be magically transported to their birth home then you too can have these special Lil cuties for your page. Thank you!! :o) Enjoy my collection. |
Oh what a Wonderful Day!!
Speedy Bears family just keep growing and growing. :o)
Wanda Lucia's Magical Rosa Bear is actually
the keeper of ALL my made by Mary Bears. Her magical light keeps us, guides us and shows
us the way. |
Lil Bryan Bear because he is a blessing from
God, reminds us that you can find Our Lord even in our tiny corner of the web to bless and
keep us today and everyday. |
Jonny Boy Bear and David Bear were picked because we live in the actual town of HoneyBrook. Gotta have Honey Bears if ya live in HoneyBrook. *g* Jonny spilled a bit of honey on his journey over here but that's ok Lil Speedy was right there to catch the drips. |
Honey Lane Girls Can't have the Honey Lane boys without the Honey Lane girls now can we? |
Honey Lane Friendship Bears a present from my
friend Heather, spread their magic all across the globe bringing folks closer by sharing
the gift of Friendship. |
Got Milk?? We sure do and plenty of it!! Thanks to Bless Moo's Lil Dairy Bear and Betsy & Moo. These bears are *very* important to my family!! Almost 6 gallons a week gets consumed in our household. High cholesterol? I'm sure my dh (with his 34 oz mugs) will be finding out soon. He's still a youngster yet. *wink* |
Diane's SAHM Bear is the keeper of my sanity.
Having once been a working Mother it takes way more guts and grit to do it yourself. |
Therese' Kitty Bear is keeper of the cats.
When I moved out on my own my very first pet was a kitty. Having grown up in a large
household Tigger was not only a joy but a comfort on them quiet evenings spent alone. |
Gaby's Beatrice Bear (Aug 01) Ohhhhh Speedy
now has some company. She just loves playing with other puppy dogs. :o) |
Jennifer Princess Bear & Strawberry Beardie Bo
01) For the princess in all of us, 'specially those of us who love strawberries!!
:o) |
My Bear Family has grown.. Be sure to click next.
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